The Dating GameWhy are so many short men still unwilling to date taller women? I quite often take for granted that my boyfriend Mike is taller than me. I remember teenage dating as being pretty painful as the boys hadn’t hit their growth spurt. If anything I felt terribly awkward- In fairytales the princess never towered over the prince!
This got me thinking, how do other tall women feel about dating? Does a few inches height difference really imply the man is inadequate and inferior? This is a bit of an issue for me, since I am quite tall not freakishly tall, but tall enough that some men have, tragically, been off limits because I worried that I might scare them. Surely, these tired old stereotypes should really be dead and buried by now?
Many shorter people find it hard not to be sucked into the idea that a woman larger than her boyfriend looks ridiculous. For instance former model Carla Bruni stands at a willowy 5” 11, but
insists on wearing flats whenever she ventures out with her 5”6 beau, French president Nicolas Sarkozy.
Is this to overcome the obvious height difference or does she prefer to opt for the comfort factor?
Luckily enough I met Mike and on date number three, I remember asking him if my height bothered him. To which he laughed at me and told me not to be so silly. He let me know that it wasn’t about height but confidence and boy did his confidence rub off on me- I actually blame Mike for my mountain high shoe collection. He finds it sexy when I wear heels!
Don’t get me wrong, love shouldn’t be about how you look as a couple, but there still seems to be a taboo about couples of different heights.
Dating a shorter man is actually quite empowering.
My boyfriend is smaller than me but it does'nt bother me as I am proud of my height. He loves the fact that I wear heels and show off my height!
It doesn't bother me. I'm 6'3 and have gone out with shorter guys. Most guys are shorter than me, so if I restrict myself to taller guys, there isn't much selection.
It is very important to some women as well as some men. All of us have different tastes I guess.
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